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Counselor Introduction

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to Belmont. I am the School Counselor and this is my fourth year in this capacity. I have over twenty years of experience in education as a PreK-5th grade classroom teacher and this is my fourth year at Belmont. Belmont is a great school, however that doesn't mean that our students won't face challenges. I want them to know that I am here to support and teach them to cope with concerns, worries or frustrations. As a school counselor, my primary responsibilities are to promote academic, personal and social development of all students. I have privilege to work with every single child in the school with development and preventative strategies.
Services Provided

  • Classroom Guidance Lessons- I facilitate Social Emotional Lessons every other week for 30 minutes, that align with Social Emotional Learning standards based on the Colorado Department of Education and American School Counselor Association. There are 35 mindset and behavior standards that identify and prioritize the specific attitudes, knowledge and skills students need to achieve academic success, college and career readiness and social/emotional development.
  • Group Counseling are provided for small groups of students experiencing similar concerns. These groups may include keeping friends, anger management, coping with separation/divorce, loss/grief, getting organized, and improving self-esteem.
  • Individual Counseling: Short term individual counseling support is available to all students. Students can self-refer or be referred by parent, teachers/staff. I have community resource list to help you make informed decisions for therapy.
  • Consultations: I meet with parents, teachers,and/or administrators to discuss and meet the needs of individual students. I am here for all students and I want to ensure your child has a positive and productive school experience. Don't hesitate to, in anyway, contact me if you have concerns regarding your child.


SEL Programs
No Bully
Second Step
7 mindsets
Kelso's Choices
Parent Education or Resources
Kindness weeks
Peace Ambassadors

*** Confidentiality is respect however, please note that all information is confidential between me and your child, unless they are planning on harming themselves, hurting someone else, someone is hurting them or the give me permission to share. I highly encourage and help students formulate a way to share their difficulties with trusted adults.***

If you need support and the school is closed please remember

Classroom Curriculum Resources
Second Step
Becoming a successful learner isn’t just about academics. Second Step offers a social-emotional learning curriculum that supports the whole child. It teaches skills for resolving conflicts, working with others, forming healthy relationships, and making good decisions—so students can be more successful emotionally, socially, and academically.

Kelso's Choice
What It’s all about..
Kelso’s Choices empowers students to use skills of conflict management at school, in the community and at home.
Kelso teaches there are two types of problems...

BIG PROBLEMS - Report BIG PROBLEMS to a trusted adult right away!!!

  • Scary
  • Cause Worry
  • Someone could or is getting hurt
  • Break the law ( stealing, damage property, etc.)

Small Problems - Using Kelso’s Choices, YOU are big enough, smart enough and strong enough to solve small problems

  • Angry
  • Sad
  • Embarrassed
  • Annoyed

Kelso’s 9 Choices

  • Wait & Cool Off
  • Go to Another Game
  • Talk it Out
  • Share & Take Turns
  • Ignore it
  • Walk Away
  • Tell Them To Stop
  • Apologize
  • Make A Deal

SAFETY is #1.....
Safe2Tell Colorado provides students and adults in Colorado an increased ability to both prevent violence and report concerning behaviors by making safe, ANONYMOUS reports.

Link to: Second Step Curriculum for Virtual Learning.
Social Emotional Learning Response Resources for Remote Learning for Families
This provides learning opportunities for social emotional learning.


Other Resources

Positive Language

Reinforcing Youth Education

Mindful Child Learning